June 4, 2020 – The 31st Anniversary Of The 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre

Tiananmen Square Massacre – June 4, 1989

Every year Beijing’s money and influence campaign against commemoration of their Tiananmen Square Massacre is more dominant than the voices of those who would speak for the peaceful, pro-democracy, Chinese who were butchered at Tiananmen. Aside from commemorating the innocent dead of Tiananmen, this date also marks the death of Western Morality as Communist China was rewarded for their butchery with an increasing amount of trade and money from all of the Western Powers.

Fox News on the 2020 anniversary of the Tiananmen square massacre

CNN on Hong Kong Tiananmen Memorial observations

Archival Time article on Tiananmen legacy

Archival Der Spiegel article on ChiCom erasure of Tiananmen

Archival BBC News Tiananmen commemoration

Tiananmen Square Protests Wikipedia – For those who may not know